Retrieves the IAccountService instance. This provides access to information about a user.
Retrieves the IClockService instance. This provides access to an accurate server time offset.
Retrieves the IConnectionService instance. This manages the socket connection to the Spyre servers. It automatically handles reconnections and disconnects.
Retrieves the IHistoryService instance. This provides an API for retrieving match history.
Retrieves the ILeaderboardService instance. This provides access to the leaderboard service, which allows you to retrieve and update leaderboard information.
Retrieves the IMultiplayerService instance. This provides access to multiplayer services, such as matchmaking and in-match communcation.
Retrieves the INotificationService instance. This listens to push events from Spyre servers.
Retrieves the IRpcService instance. This provides access to the RPC service, which allows you to call functions on the server.
Retrieves the IVaultService instance. This provides access to the vault service, which allows you to manage vaults.
Retrieves the IWeb3Service instance. This provides an easy interface over Spyre's Game Wallet API, which connects off-chain account services with on-chain actions.
Initializes the client. This should be called before using any other services.
logConfig: LogConfigOptional logging configuration.
The main client object that provides access to all Spyre services.