The current active address of the connected wallet.
Retrieves the configuration for the Web3 service. This object cannot be changed at runtime.
An in-app wallet means that we can make wallet operations without user interaction.
The address linked to the current user account. Note that this is NOT necessarily the same as the current active address. A user may have linked one account (via Metamask or some other provider), then switch wallets. Both the linked and the active addresses must match to perform Spyre transactions.
Indicates if the connected wallet is on the correct chain for the current service.
The balance of USDC in the GameWallet staking contract.
The current status of the Web3 connection.
The balance of USDC the user has in their wallet.
The amount of USDC the user has approved for the staking contract to spend on their behalf.
Given by the Spyre GameWallet contract, the date after which the user can withdraw their staked USDC.
Approves the staking contract to transfer USDC on the user's behalf.
The transaction object returned from this function represents a potentially in progress transaction. That is, this function returns after submission, not after confirmation. Use the watch function to watch the transaction for status changes.
The namespace of the staking contract.
wad: bigintThe amount to approve.
cancel: CancelTokenAn optional cancel token to cancel the operation.
Deposits USDC into the staking contract.
The transaction object returned from this function represents a potentially in progress transaction. That is, this function returns after submission, not after confirmation. Use the watch function to watch the transaction for status changes.
The namespace of the staking contract.
The amount to deposit.
cancel: CancelTokenAn optional cancel token to cancel the operation.
Links the connected wallet to the current user account.
cancel: CancelTokenSigns a stake, which can then be used to enter matches.
The stake parameters needed to enter a match.
cancel: CancelTokenAn optional cancel token to cancel the operation.
Watches a transaction for status change.
The transaction to watch.
The Web3 service provides access to the Spyre blockchain actions, coordinated through the Thirdweb client, chain-chomp, and other Spyre services.